Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Appropriate Responses to Hunger

There are many things a church can do to help alleviate hunger in their community. I will list some resources and ideas and would encourage others to add comments of how hunger is being addressed in their community.

1. DO NOT START A FOOD PANTRY before counting the cost. Food pantries are difficult to sustain. They start off well, however, over time interest wanes and it is left in the hands of just a few people who easily become burned- out. The first step is to locate other food pantries in your community. Often they need help. It is easier to join and strengthen a food pantry than to start your own. If there are no pantries then consider starting one, however, try to enlist the help of several churches. A good place to learn how to start a pantry is here. You will also need regular set, posted hours of operation and some sort of screening process. We allow anyone to come once a month, keeping track on index cards.

2. Organize a food drive for an established pantry or your own, especially in the summer(in the fall food is plentiful due to holiday giving). Volunteer for postal carrier pick up.

3. Weekend back-pack program, where students receive a backpack full of food on Friday and return the backpack on Monday to be refilled. This outreach provides weekend nutrition. It is expensive and takes a good bit of labor. However, it is very doable if done in cooperation with other churches, businesses and organizations.

4. Open a personal pantry with items that cannot be purchased with food stamps. Include: Laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, toiletries, feminine hygiene supplies and of course toilet tissue.

5. Look into the possibility of starting an Angel Food Ministry. If there is already one in your community volunteer to help. Do all you can to promote it. Angel Food Ministry provides about 60 dollars worth of food to anyone for 30 dollars.

6. Go into low income neighborhoods and throw block parties. Put fliers in doors, fire up the grill and have a simple cookout with some games for kids. Most importantly, listen to the community, I guarantee they will talk.

7. Plan a CROP Walk.

8. Study hunger in your community. Find out how many students are on free or reduced lunches. What is the unemployment rate, poverty rate, how many are on TANF, food stamps etc.

9. Organize hunger awareness programs.

10. Support the Society of St. Andrew. Be aware of potato drops and volunteer to help.

7. Pray, Pray, Pray.

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Project E.A.T.

Project E.A.T. 's goal is to be sure everyone eats everyday. Kokomo Urban Outreach with the help of churches and organizations are providing food to the food insecure all across Kokomo. Our focus is on childhood hunger. KUO disburses food in a variety of ways---weekend backpacks full of food to weekly meals. This blog is designed to provide hunger awareness and to be a resource of appropriate ways to respond to it.

The logo on this page was designed by some children we serve. I asked them to draw a picture of a city with the sun going down to remind us that no one should go to bed without eating.


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