Friday, December 26, 2008

Much Needed Items

Top Ten Needs
  1. Spaghetti/Spaghetti Sauce
  2. Canned meat: Treat, Spam, Chicken, tuna
  3. Canned Meals: Corned Beef Hash, Beef Stew, Spaghett0's, Ravioli etc
  4. Cereal
  5. Canned Fruit(peaches, fruit cocktail, oranges, pineapple)
  6. Peanut Butter
  7. Soups--Chicken Noodle, Tomato, Vegetable (cream soups are not that helpful)
  8. Basic Veggies(Green Beans, Corn, Carrots, Mixed Vegetables, Peas)
  9. Toilet Paper
  10. Toothpaste

When we have it we provide each family with several cans of all of the above items. If every food pantry were heavily stocked with the above items many people would be fed. Due to space limitations and the need for eggs and oil cake mixes, pancake mixes etc are not as helpful as basic food. Outdated cans must be discarded and the Board of Health will not allow us to distribute home canned food. Most of our pantries receive bread, cakes, donuts, pies, and other ready made sweet items from Kroger. If you would like to give money, we are able to purchase many of the above items from Food Finders in Lafayette for a reduced cost, often as low as 19 cents per pound.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Kokomo Food Pantry Network

All below are using the on-line database
  1. Trinity UMC
  2. Riley Modern Estates
  3. Zion (Morrison and Monroe
  4. Pine Valley housed at Alto UMC
  5. Carpenter's House
  6. Samartian Love Center (Button Motors Downtown)
  7. Hands of Love (Crossroads)
  8. Kokomo Rescue Mission
  9. Zion Tabernacle
  10. Hillsdale UMC
  11. St. Luke's UMC
  12. St. Vincent DePaul

Without Pantries but part of network: Information and Referal 211 and United Way

Project E.A.T.

Project E.A.T. 's goal is to be sure everyone eats everyday. Kokomo Urban Outreach with the help of churches and organizations are providing food to the food insecure all across Kokomo. Our focus is on childhood hunger. KUO disburses food in a variety of ways---weekend backpacks full of food to weekly meals. This blog is designed to provide hunger awareness and to be a resource of appropriate ways to respond to it.

The logo on this page was designed by some children we serve. I asked them to draw a picture of a city with the sun going down to remind us that no one should go to bed without eating.


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