Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Buddy Bags

Buddy bags are bags of food that help provide weekend meals to kids who may not have enough to eat on the weekends. We are currently packing over 280 each week that are being distributed to one School. During the 2009-2010 year as schools are merged we will need about 350 sponsors. The cost is $110.00 per school year. Checks may be sent to:
Kokomo Urban Outreach
1701 S. Locke St.
Kokomo, IN 46902
Write Buddy Bag in memo. Thanks for your help.
If you have questions please call KUO at 457-1983 or Deanna at 434-5057.

Project E.A.T.

Project E.A.T. 's goal is to be sure everyone eats everyday. Kokomo Urban Outreach with the help of churches and organizations are providing food to the food insecure all across Kokomo. Our focus is on childhood hunger. KUO disburses food in a variety of ways---weekend backpacks full of food to weekly meals. This blog is designed to provide hunger awareness and to be a resource of appropriate ways to respond to it.

The logo on this page was designed by some children we serve. I asked them to draw a picture of a city with the sun going down to remind us that no one should go to bed without eating.


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